There’s nothing quite like camping Brittany style, especially when you can do it in the comfort of one of the very roomy pitches at the Château de Galinée, nestled in the north Breton countryside. (suite…)
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La solución para el transporte de sus caballos se encuentra en
¿Participa Usted a concursos de equitación y desea comprar un pequeño camión fácil de manejar y asequible? ¿Posee Usted caballos y está buscando un vehículo de gran volumen previsto para un uso intensivo? (suite…)
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Descubra en la web diferentes furgonetas y camiones de caballos de calidad
Carrosserie Ameline posee más de 26 años de experiencia en carrocería, en fabricación de vehículos para el transporte de caballos o de mercancías. El hecho de que la empresa haya sido capaz de continuar con sus actividades a lo largos de estos años es señal de su tenacidad en alcanzar sus objetivos. (suite…)
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DBV-Technologies’ Viaskin could be used to combat allergies and immune conditions too!
One French company is determined to make the world a better place for sufferers of allergies and allergic conditions. DBV Technologies (DBV has been working on a revolutionary product, the Viaskin patch, which aims to treat several different food allergies, as well as Eosinophilic Esophagitis (suite…)
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Hospitalsconsultants – your key to great healthcare from the best hospitals in Britain!
Good health is priceless, but what can you do when private healthcare establishments seem to be financially out of your reach? (suite…)
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A new way to treat milk allergy is on the cards, thanks to DBV-Technologies!
A significant proportion of very young children are affected by what is known as cows’ milk protein allergy. This causes many unpleasant and distressing symptoms, including skin rashes, vomiting and diarrhoea. More worryingly, it brings with it the risk of anaphylactic shock. DBV Technologies have been working on a specific milk allergy treatment that would not only diagnose th...
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